
David Liscum

Senior LEaDER

My passion is to awaken the church in His Presence, Power and Glory through worship and the gathering of the body in home churches.
I have been a Worship Leader for over 16 years so I come with a worshippers heart. I have been blessed to travel all over the world
to minister and worship. Now God has a specific calling for me to be here in Lubbock. Previous to coming here I served as a volunteer 
House church worship leader at Harbour Church in Pompano Beach, Florida over 10 years and also served as home group leader.

I have never encountered a more whole and healthy church in my life and I want to bring that expereince to Lubbock.

I also used to be a full time member or worship group House of Peace (Capitol Christian Artist) from 2010-2020 and have had the privilege of writing, recording, and producing songs.



In 2015, a small group of us left our traditional Western churches to form a missional community in a living room. We longed for something more than Sunday morning worship and middle-class Christianity. We knew there had to be more to what we called “church” and that desire led us to who we are as the CO-OP. We have morphed and changed throughout the years from meeting in living rooms to coffee shops; from no Sunday morning gathering, once a month gatherings, and, now, to weekly gatherings. We are ever evolving in our praxis of being the church but, ultimately, we long to see people discover the fullness of their identity in Christ and to hear God’s unique calling for their life. The dream is to be a neo-monastic kingdom distribution center – having groups of people living in an intentional way with one another, sharing meals, times of worship and prayer while releasing the Kingdom where they live, work, and play